Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The 8 Reasons Why You Are Still Fat

You’re Not Really Trying
         Showing up is only half the battle.  Many of us think we are going H.A.M in the gym but in fact it’s quite the opposite.  A good way to measure the intensity of your workout is through a heart rate monitor.  A rule of thumb is to keep a pace at 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.  To find your max heart rate for men (220 - your age) = max rate heart. For females (226 - your age) = max heart rate. The formula is not exact but it is a good place to start.  For example, if you were a male 40 years of age, you would subtract 40 from 220, which equals 180.  During the workout, the goal of this individual would be to maintain a heart rate of 144bpm (80 percent of the max heart rate at 180).  Beginners may want to start 40-60 percent of their max heart rate and progress each week.  Maintaining 80 percent of your max rate during a workout is advanced. One should see a licensed medical practitioner before doing any intense exercises.

You’re Not Consistent
         Your goal this year is to get fit.  You want to look and feel better.  You go for several months, 5 days a week.  Then, sooner or later, as it always seems to, life happens.  You get a new job where you are working nights and working out slowly fades into the background. 
 One of the biggest reasons why people do not see the results they want is due to their lack of consistency.  Working out has to be no different than brushing your teeth, it has to be part of your daily routine.  Set a time each day to workout.  Write it down to make it a habit.  Try to plan out a week in advance the days and the times you will be working out. Planning your workouts creates consistency, which in turn yields results.

You Do Not Truly Believe In Yourself
         You can do this!  Yes, I know that sounds corny, but it’s true.  Many people cannot envision themselves with the results they would like to have in the future.  A healthy lifestyle requires just as much hard work mentally as it does physically.  If you do not have the right mindset, it will be nearly impossible to get the results you want.  Real results take time.  There is no quick fix.  Yes, I said it and ill say it again.  There is no quick fix!  The results you want take time and effort. In order to see the results, you have to envision each and everyday what you want to accomplish.  When you start to believe that’s when you achieve!

You Think You’re Eating Healthy 

         You “watch” what you eat. You say no to that 3rd slice of pizza. Good for you.  If you want results you have to work for it.  What you put in your body is extremely important.  Calories are essential for gaining and losing weight.  On a very basic level, the more calories you consume the more weight you will gain.  Keeping track of how many calories you consume per day can help you understand where changes in your diet need to be made. 3,500 calories equals one pound of body fat. If you consume an average of 2,500 calories per day and your goal is to loose weight, simply try cutting calories.  If you reduce your caloric intake on average by 200 calories per day you will be left with 2,300 calories, which equals 1,400 less calories per week.  1,400 calories is a little less than half a pound of body fat per week.  Remember never go too extreme and always consult with your doctor or a professional before changing your diet.  
Quantity in regards to calories is important, but the quality matters as well.  Stick to eating real foods. Grilled chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains are a good start.  Always read food labels and if there is an ingredient that you are unsure of, you probably shouldn’t be digesting it.

 You Have Not Changed Your Workout Routine In A Loooong Time
Many people do not like change. They get stuck in a pattern doing the same gym routine day in and day out.  Not only do you get bored of doing this but, your body adapts. Meaning you will not see significant results unless you constantly change your gym routines.  Use different cardio machines like the treadmill, elliptical or the bike. If the weather permits, a jog or walk outside is always ideal.  Incorporate weight training.  Females – just because you start lifting weights does not mean you will look ‘bulky.’  In fact, lifting weights can be a great way to burn fat!  Stretching should also be incorporated into your workout program.  Stretching can help prevent injury and muscle tightness, as well as relieve muscle soreness.  So change your workouts every few weeks. Your mind and body will thank you later.

You’re Too Stressed
It is hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you are very stressed.  When your body is stressed it produces a hormone called cortisol.  Too much cortisol can weaken the immune system and make it difficult to lose weight.  Meditation can be a great way to reduce stress.  Sit in a quiet space with no distractions.  Close your eyes and solely focus on breathing.  Set a time each day to meditate for 5 to 20 minutes.
Check this out if you want to learn more about meditation: http://www.wikihow.com/Meditate
You Work Hard During The Week But “Celebrate” On The Weekends
Monday through Thursday you are in the zone!  You workout hard and eat clean.  You never have dessert and you sleep a solid 8 hours per night.  Then Friday comes.  Timmy calls and tells you about Lauren’s house party.  Everyone is going to be there.  So you go, pass out on Timmy’s porch and then the next day you can tell all your friends what an “epic” night you had. 
 If you want results, you have to make this is a lifestyle, not a weekday thing.  You have to be willing to sacrifice parties and nights out. If you do go out there is no need to get plastered, have two drinks max. Instead watch your friends chug that Jager bottle that we all know the inevitable ending to. Once you stop “celebrating” the weekends, the results will come.

You Have Not Been AMPED
The above 7 steps are crucial if you want to see real results when working out.  But what if you are someone that wants more?  AmpedAthletics offers meal guidance, motivation and detailed workout plans specific to each individual.  With personalized fitness plans we help you create a healthier lifestyle unique to you’re goals. AmpedAthletics will help you get that body you’ve always wanted.  No matter your fitness background, we will keep you motivated and inspired every step of the way!
     Email: Ampedathletics@gmail.com for a free consultation

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